Hey all, Please bear with me. I’m making some updates to my website. Lots of things brewing and exciting stuff to come soon. Thanks and check back. Bill
Foundations: Building Resilience
Patient: “I feel great!” [Long pause… furrowed brow] Patient: “What do I do now?” Bill: “Establish a foundation of resilience, and then build resistance.” Webster’s dictionary defines resilience as the ability to become strong, healthy, and more successful again after something bad happens. It also includes the ability of something to return to its original […]
A Padawan Blog: 5 Things I’ve learned in the Purple Room… So Far
“The more you know, the more you know you don’t know” Aristotle I’m currently in the thick of completing my final 12 week clinical at IFAST PT under the tutelage of Bill, and I can honestly say I’ve had at least one “aha” moment every day for the past 6 weeks. During these 8 hour […]
Planning Success: My Morning Ritual Updates and Recommendations
As I write this it is a quiet Sunday morning. I’m nearing the end of my personal morning ritual with a solid day planned to get some things done. I’m certain that I’ll have a successful day because I know what I need to do to be successful today. I planned my Sunday yesterday. There […]
Padawan Lesson: On Mentors
“It is the parent who has born me: it is the teacher who makes me a man.” – Bushido It seems the universe is speaking to me lately. Several things have indicated to me that It wants me to write something about the importance of mentors. My readings of late, and the recent visit from […]