My @neurocoffee is in high gear for this morning’s Q & A. From Mihail: Could you please explain how do the mechanics change between a body weight squat and a weighted squat? Wow… what a great question. Lots to unpack here. Be sure to ask questions! #backsquat #bodyweightsquat #billhartmanpt Find Bill: Instagram Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Q & A for The 16% – Shoulder Pain with Overhead Pressing
I have my @neurocoffe, do you have yours for today’s Q & A From Eli: I’m having a bit of shoulder issue. When I press overhead either with a dumbbell, barbell, or kettlebell, I get a pinching in my shoulder. When I reach overhead, I don’t seem to get it at all. Is there something […]
Q & A for The 16% – Young Athlete Development and ISA Compensations & Strategies
My @neurocoffee is in hand and here’s this morning’s Q&A with a little bit of long-term athletic development feel to it. From Nate: I work do a lot of work with athletes in the age groups of 11-25 and I was curious if you think ISA compensations take time to manifest and therefore hard to […]
The Bill Hartman Podcast for The 16% – Season 2 Number 8
This week’s topics: Narrow ISA’s with anterior orientation Wide ISA’s with posterior compression and how to get out of it Narrow ISA’s with limited dorsal-rostral expansion 6am Coffee ’n’ Coaches Conference Call How do you get a 120 degree straight leg raise/Side lunges Find Bill: Instagram Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Q & A for The 16% – The 120 degree Straight Leg Raise – Side Split Squat
I have @neurocoffee in hand and hope you have yours for today’s Q & A. From Domen: What about people that are presenting with excessive straight leg raise (120°) and have limitation in hip IR but sufficient ER? Could it be that this person has an inhaled pelvis with anterior orientation which would still allow […]