I’ve been getting a lot of similar questions that appear to be related to understanding my references to wide infrasternal angles vs. narrow infrasternal angles. When breathing is restricted such that full inhalation or full exhalation cannot be achieved, the infrasternal angle (ISA) provides guidance as to what compensatory strategy is being utilized to maintain […]
Professional Mentorship
Q & A for The 16% – Hip Mechanics that Increase Hip External Rotation
Talking about possible influences on hip internal and external rotation. There are plenty of clues in the anatomy. Anatomy texts rarely talk about real, living humans and try to apply dead guy anatomy to movement. It doesn’t work and often creates a limiting, confusing model. Naming muscles external rotators is wrong because as we move, […]
Q & A for The 16%… How to Set-up Sled Drags to Enhance Conditioning and Emphasize Inhalation and Expansion
Question: How you would set up a backward sled drag to promote an inhalation strategy in terms of position of the torso and arms? And what you would do if someone needed more compression? In this video: Two variations of the sled drag to emphasize different aspects of thorax and rib cage movement and shoulder […]
Q & A for The 16%… A Simple Exercise for Upper Back Posture (Dorsal-Rostral Expansion)
Question: What is the best strategy for one to achieve dorsal rostral expansion without creating and excessive thoracic kyphosis or spinal bending? In this video: A simple exercise that allows you to feel the focused dorsal-rostral expansion that helps improve posture and shoulder range of motion. In many cases, the inability to achieve the desired […]
Q & A for the 16% – Successful Sleep – Positions, Shape Change, Breathing, and Movement
Question: Can and how can sleep positions be used to promote shapeshifting strategies? If one struggles with driving air into the upper back would sleeping on the back be less favorable because posterior expansion is blocked and scapulae are retracted, or would the resistance promote overcoming? In this video: Does body position enhance or limit […]