I’ve been waiting for the chance to tell you about a new book from Jason Ferruggia. If you’ve never read anything from Jason before expect to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Jason’s been in the trenches since his early twenties back when he started his own gym. He freely […]
Restoration describes means by which one is able to return to the previous state. In training, it refers to methods that you may use to recover from your most recent training session in preparation for the next assuming that your goal is a progressive increase in performance or fitness. While this is a broad and […]
How hard are you training
Remember that no matter how strong you think you are there’s a little Chinese girl warming up with your max. Bill
They’re STILL Everywhere
I saw them again this morning. I bet you’ve seen them too. There’s the 40-ish woman with the funny, abbreviated, duck-like gait pattern. The guy whose pushing 50 who looks like he’s on the verge of death. The scrawny 20-something newlywed in the oversized t-shirt. And of course, the new Mom pushing Junior in the […]
Battle of the Diet Plans
I visited my folks over the Father’s Day weekend. It’s always a bit surreal to visit the ol’ home town as it changes. For instance, my high school now has a soccer team. Do you know what soccer is good for? Ruining a perfectly good football field. Anyway, I had a bit of down time […]