Overcoming actions and Yielding actions of muscle are sometimes difficult to grasp because of the ingrained weakness of how we learned muscle contraction in school. While useful, the model that school provided has significant limitations. If we think differently, we can refine our understanding of how muscles can magnify pressures, allow movement to occur, and […]
Highlights from the final day of The Intensive X
On the final day of The Intensive, we Zoom (the app) in all other previous attendees to let them participate in the last day. This is often a review of key topics and programming strategies. At The Intensive X, we reviewed some concepts about the infrasternal angle and the compensatory breathing strategies as well as […]
Q & A for The 16% – Terminology Explained – Strategies, Orientations, and Actions
Question: One thing that would help me better understand and apply some of the concepts you reference in your videos is aligning more precisely with terminology. Specifically, some of the terms/concepts you frequently use feel synonymous even though they are not. It sometimes confuses me. For example, in an absolute sense exhalation strategy, compression strategy, […]