Saturday Conversations… Genetics, BDNF, Rehab, and Performance On Saturdays after wrapping up working with clients and hanging out at IFAST, I usually spend lunch with Rufus (AKA Grant Gardis), Lance, and the interns chatting over fajitas and a margarita. Conversation is always varied and will cover a full spectrum from relationship advice to high-level sports […]
Peeking (not peaking) at my training, subjective readiness, and joint mobilization
It was a good day at the gym today. Everyone that came in was feeling good and putting out a great effort. I even got a session in at IFAST. I’ve been working on some foundational things like developing my cardiac system and my ability to produce energy locally in the muscles as well as […]
New Project and New Faster Fat Loss Zone!
First, we had the big launch of the new Faster Fat Loss Zone. It’s now part of the Naked Nutrition Network. To celebrate we’re giving away a ton of free stuff including presentation, workouts, interviews and more. You can check it out Here.