This one is a no brainer… well… sort of. We know that pain is a perceptual experience generated by the brain. There’s no such things as pain receptors or painful stimuli in the periphery. Instead nociceptors send signals to the central nervous system regarding noxious stimuli, and the brain decides how that information will be […]
Anatomy Lessons from the Lab: Peripheral Nerves
Young Matt and I spent about 6 hours in the cadaver lab on Saturday afternoon. I am forever fascinated by human anatomy, and it’s always a learning experience no matter how many times I get in the lab. By the way, I’ll be teaching an cadaver anatomy course in the fall for PT’s in a […]
Fixing a Stiff Big Toe
This little piggy went to market… Probably the most common area for arthitic changes in the foot is the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP joint). During normal gait the entire body must advance over this single joint, so you can see how a restricted MTP joint can be responsible for countless conditions and injuries. Many foot […]
IFAST Assessment Case Study: Why Can’t I Lockout My Deadlift?!
Every semester a new crew of interns make their way to IFAST to learn what we do and how we do it. Our intern system has cranked out some outstanding professionals many of whom have become successful fitness business owners and high level strength coaches. One of our current interns, “Li’l Stevie” Gabrielsen, is a […]
Perfecting Weightlifting Technique at IFAST with Rufus
On Saturday morning at Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training in addition to our usual cast of fitness clients and athletes, you’ll find Grant “Rufus” Gardis working with his young weightlifters and athletes on our weightlifting platforms. When he’s not certifying coaches for USA Weightlifting, Rufus does amazing things in working with several of our IFAST […]