Derek Hansen was in Indy for the NFL Combine recently. I was honored to join him for breakfast and a chat. Here’s what we talked about.
Thoughts on Post-Workout Stretching
Question: Hi Bill, what’s your thoughts on post workout stretching? Me: I don’t really have any. If you like it, do it. If you don’t, you don’t have to. Follow-up Question: Would you say there are “real” benefits to post workout stretching such as recovery? It seems this is a controversial topic. Me: Research is interesting in this regard. […]
As you progress in your ALL GAIN, NO PAIN program, you will eventually need to learn to manage yourself against gravity in standing. Here’s a reset you can use in the gym as progress from supine and prone resets. Special thanks to gym beast Dave Rappa, winner of best back in the business award!
Discussing Clinical Failures and the Limits of Influence
We all regularly experience failure in regard to helping patients make changes necessary to impact their behavior to achieve a successful outcome. This is a discussion that may provide some answers as to why we fail and how to improve from these failures.
Keys to Progress: Simple Rules Repeated
The outward appearance of making any kind of change in our behavior or our bodies tends to seem overwhelmingly complex. The countless details and decisions of when should I do “X,” what is best, what is right, and what is wrong is paralyzing resulting in default behavioral strategies that are incoherent with our goals. It’s […]