This week on YouTube: Bill Hartman’s Weekly Q & A for the 16% – December 8, 2019: The QB Docs Podcast with Drew Kiel and Bill Hartman: The IFAST Podcast #6 with Mike Robertson and Bill Hartman – Our Client Foundation: Manual Therapy – Mobilization to Increase Shoulder Flexion and Cervical Rotation: […]
Cutting Mechanics from The Inside-Out
Agility and cutting mechanics have always been described by the extremity movement, stretch-shortening cycle, and external forces. This video describes cutting from the perspective of how you manage the internal forces. How does the pelvic diaphragm behave? Where and when does concentric orientation occur? Where and when does eccentric orientation occur? How do I use […]
Concentric vs. Eccentric Orientation and Yielding vs. Overcoming Muscle Action
Thinking differently about muscle contraction. Traditionally, we think of muscle contractions as concentric, eccentric, and isometrics. Isometrics as they are described probably don’t exist. If we look at muscle contraction as a moment in time, we can determine their orientation as well as the direction of the action. From my perspective, this is a more […]
Manual Therapy to Increase Shoulder Flexion and Cervical Rotation
In the heterarchy of treatment, I rarely do manual therapies as my first line of intervention. Patients and clients always achieve more when they can create changes themselves and learn self-management. When a local influence is needed that the client cannot produce themselves, then manual therapy may be useful to create an opportunity to make […]
The IFAST Podcast #6 with Mike Robertson and Bill Hartman – Our Client Foundation
While IFAST is known for training competitive athletes, all of our clients come to us with a “So that” as Mike Robertson is fond of saying. They come to IFAST “so that” they can accomplish something outside the gym such as climbing a mountain, running a desert, playing with their grandchildren, or tending to their […]