Question: I would love to hear about the contralateral KB reverse lunge mimicking getting into a cut, and an ipsilateral kB reverse lunge mimicking getting out of a cut? Cutting mechanics require moving from an externally rotated and inhaled position into a cut to a more propulsive and exhaled strategy out of the cut. If […]
Q & A for The 16% – Arm training 2 – Improving shoulder and elbow range of motion
Arm Training 2 In this video: Why you need to be selective with your arm training. Choosing the wrong arm exercise may make your shoulder pain worse. Choosing the correct arm exercise can improve your shoulder mobility and range of motion. Elbow pain is often the result of the inability to pronate or supinate effectively […]
Q & A for The 16%… Improving hip internal rotation – toe touch and deadlift variations
Hip internal rotation is essential for the ability to accept force during just about any ground-based activity. It’s also essential for any hinging activity in the gym including all forms of deadlifts, kettlebell swings, split squats, step-ups, and lunges. Here’s a couple easy ways to recapture hip internal rotation when you’ve lost it due to […]
Case Comparison: How does pelvis orientation influence knee orientation
How does the orientation of the pelvis influence measures at the hip and at the knee (and foot)? We had a couple of cases this week that showed the same orientation to different degrees, therefore, their measures and findings reflected the degree of influence on the knee. In this video: What does anterior orientation do […]
Q & A for The 16%… Swayback Posture… What causes it? How do you fix it?
What really causes swayback posture? What exercises and interventions work well to restore movement capabilities and reduce swayback posture? In this video: Swayback posture in a narrow infrasternal angle client What is swayback posture? What causes it? It’s not a kyphosis Is it a breathing problem? Do breathing exercises help? #swayback #posture #billhartmanpt Here’s the […]