“If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.”Isaac Newton (among many others) I would hazard to guess that I’ve had few, if any, original thoughts (I don’t even think that that statement is original). I therefore give credit to all that came before me for any intellect […]
JP Fitness Summit…Be There!!
A word to the wise, get signed up for the JP Fitness Summit 2007. Every year this thing keeps getting better, and this year things have taken a quantum leap. I am honored to be a speaker once again this year, but check out who I get to hang out with in Little Rock: Alwyn […]
Hot Fakes, Ultra-scam and Chronic Low Back Pain
I’ve never been a big fan of passive physical agents in the treatment of chronic low back pain. I just don’t think they have much to offer (for the record, short of cyrotherapy [ice], I don’t think they have much to offer in just about any case. I’ve done one ultrasound treatment in the last […]
The Thoracic Spine and Shoulder Health
Question: Why the big concern over upper back mobility in regard to building heathly shoulders? Answer: Poor mobility of the thoracic spine (upper back) is often associated with a slouched, or more specifically, a kyphotic posture. This altered spinal alignment prevents the scapulae (the shoulder blades) from tilting backward as you raise your arms. This […]
False Barriers
I was emailing back and forth with my friend Alwyn Cosgrove last night. We had both enjoyed the UFC fights on pay-per-view mainly because of a comeback of unexpected and unbelievable proportions. Randy “The Natural” Couture came out of retirement to defeat Tim “The Maine-iac” Silvia and take his 3rd UFC Heavyweight title. Now you […]