I was talking about age and performance this week, and then this story pops up locally and has become a national story. Just don’t mess with Grandma or she may just kick your ass! http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2007708300431 Have a good long weekend. Bill
Ageless Athletes
I while back I wrote a blog post after Randy Couture defeated Tim Silvia to regain the UFC Heavyweight Title at the age of 43. My last line included “Age is meaningless now.” I still believe it. Randy did it again by Defeating 28 year old Gabriel Gonzaga, who was undefeated in MMA for […]
How to get rid of cellulite!
Ladies, you’ve been mislead, lied to, bamboozled, and tricked into buying countless, useless products to rid your thighs of that ugly cellulite. Today, you’ll learn how to get rid of it for good with no gimmicks, gadgets, or potions. First, let me explain what cellulite really is. It’s body fat…plain and simple. It’s nothing more […]
Targeted Mobility
I caught a video clip of a strength coach going through a series of hip mobility drills and stretches designed to increase hip range of motion to improve squat performance. I applaud his intent but question the effectiveness his exercise technique. When you’re performing mobility drills or even simple stretches, you must not only attend to which […]
Rotator Cuff Exercise Intensity
I’ve seen health, fitness, and rehab professionals recommend intentially using light weights (<=5 pounds) to train the rotator cuff in healthy trainees to help prevent cuff injuries. The reasoning is that with increasing intensity you’re increasing the recruitment of the bigger muscles (pecs, lats, deltoid) that also provide rotational force and the benefit of the cuff […]