If you’ve read through some of the blog posts here, you’re probably aware that I believe the impact of fatigue to be a large component of sports-related injuries.
New Project and New Faster Fat Loss Zone!
First, we had the big launch of the new Faster Fat Loss Zone. It’s now part of the Naked Nutrition Network. To celebrate we’re giving away a ton of free stuff including presentation, workouts, interviews and more. You can check it out Here.
Lift Strong
My friend Alwyn Cosgrove is a stage IV cancer survivor….twice.
He is alive today because of donations made by people like you and me long before he was ever diagnosed.
Stability Training Reduces Hamstring Stiffness
Mike Robertson and I were discussing this study that showed how training the trunk muscles for improved stability resulted in a reduction in hamstring stiffness. In other words, flexibility improved without stretching the muscles. To bring you up to speed, here’s the study in a nutshell: The hypothesis is that increased hamstring stiffness compensates for […]
Preventing Injuries…Fatigue Changes Everything
I’m an assessment guy. I do a pretty extensive assessment on everyone we train at IFAST. I do a very broad spectrum of testing because I know that there are few if any definitive tests. I also realize that when it comes to predicting potential injury, anything I do during my controlled assessment will have […]