I’ve talked about this before, but I’ve been overrun (pardon the pun) by injured runners over the last 2 weeks. 4 new runners this week alone. All overuse injuries. All of them had at least one, and more commonly several, significant finding such as weak core musculature, poor hip range of motion, poor hip strength, lack […]
Inside-Out Sale!
So we’ve got the new gym, Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training (IFAST) just about ready to go. One problem. Storage space. Just like your favorite car dealer, “We gotta make room!” To clear out some stock, you can get Inside-Out: The Ultimate Upper Body Warm-up for a massive discount…try 40% off! Here’s how you do it. […]
Faster Fat Loss
I’m still pretty lean from my first couple times through the Warp Speed Fat Loss Program, but I’ve been wanting to see what I could do as far as getting into “contest shape” at my tender age of 42. I’m think a little more muscle mass would be nice (I can’t help myself), but before I […]
Fat Loss and Consistency
The lovely Diane and I went cooler shopping over the weekend. She’s been hitting the fat loss program pretty hard over the last month (down 10 pounds of fat!!) and her cooler was looking a little worse for wear. Our quest for the perfect cooler for her got me thinking about what this purchase really meant. […]
Specificity in Assessment
While there are tests or assessments I’ll do on just about everyone, I think you need to get more specific in your testing depending on the demands of the sport or activity in which an individual participates. Case in point, I was working with firefighter recruit today who was having some ankle and achilles tendon pain […]