I’ve talked about this before, but I’ve been overrun (pardon the pun) by injured runners over the last 2 weeks. 4 new runners this week alone. All overuse injuries.
All of them had at least one, and more commonly several, significant finding such as weak core musculature, poor hip range of motion, poor hip strength, lack of ankle dorsiflexion, functional pronation, etc.
If your foot hits the ground 1,500 times per mile at 2+ times body weight loads with any of the above, something will eventually wear out and become symptomatic.
On my drive to my clinic, I counted 14 runners on the road and sidewalks making an obvious effort at weight loss in the wee hours of the morning. By observation, I’d say two of them were probably “in shape enough” to run.
Is there really that much “leftover” from the jogging craze?
Let me be blunt…
Unless you’re training for a marathon or some other endurance-related event and have been properly evaluated by a qualified health professional who gives you the green light that it’s safe to run….then don’t run.
Find another activity that is probably more effective in the first place. If you must run, then have the willingness to properly prepare to do so.
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